The Board of the CAUTG invites applications from among its members for the position of Editor of Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies. Founded in 1965, Seminar is an internationally respected scholarly journal of Germanic studies, the only journal of its kind in Canada. The successful candidate will continue to provide leadership and direction for the journal in the changing disciplinary and publishing environment of the 21st century. Applications by co-editors are also encouraged.
The journal has its own budget that covers travel for members of the Editorial Board to the Annual Meeting, postage, and courier service. The candidate is strongly encouraged to obtain both moral and material support from his/her institution, particularly in the form of teaching reduction and secretarial support.
The Editor of Seminar is an elected director of the Association, normally for a five-year, renewable term (CAUTG Bylaws, Articles 10, 11, 13, 22). The Editor works with and is supported by an Editorial Board of six members, one of whom is the Book Review Editor. In general, the Editor will fulfil all the normal tasks of a scholarly journal editor (including pursuing SSHRCC support) and be responsible for all aspects of the production of the journal. The Editor also reports on the previous year’s activities and submits a financial statement at each Annual General Meeting.
Applicants should ideally have
- a strong record of publication in Germanic Studies or a closely allied scholarly field.
- some experience in publishing, especially desktop publishing.
- a good reading ability in German, English, and French.
- administrative skills.
- indications of support from their institution in the form of teaching reduction and secretarial support at the time of expressing their interest in the position.
The Search Committee is composed of five members of the CAUTG appointed by the Board, and the present Editors of Seminar in an advisory capacity.
Please send a cover letter addressing the points above, and a complete CV, to the Chair of the Committee, Michael Boehringer (address below) by April 1, 2016. Electronic submissions (in pdf-format) are welcomed.
Michael Boehringer
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1