CfP: Multilingual Discourses Journal

Multilingual Discourses invites submissions for the next issue, tentatively scheduled for publication in the summer of 2016. Multilingual Discourses a peer-reviewed journal established in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta to support a multidisciplinary research exchange amongst graduate students in different areas such as cultural studies, linguistics, literature, cinema and visual culture, translation and more.
Multilingual Discourse invites submissions for the following sections:
 Articles: Full-length journal articles based on the author’s own research work and analysis; length should be 5000-7000 words, including notes and works cited.  Translations: We accept English translations of fiction and poetry. Texts should have a maximum length of 3000 words. For translations, include bibliographical information about the original text and a copy of it, brief biographies of the author and the translator (100 words each), a critical introduction (500-700 words), and permission to publish from the author and publisher.
 Book and Film Reviews: We accept critical reviews of recent films, works of fiction and poetry, and academic books on literature, culture and cinema. Reviews (1200 to 1500 words) should include bibliographical information of the book/ film.
 Interviews: We accept question-and-answer-style interviews with writers and filmmakers, with a maximum length of 1500 words.
The authors should contact the editorial team prior to submitting translations, book and film reviews, and interviews. The deadline for submissions is March 11, 2016.
Multilingual Discourses only accepts works that have not been published elsewhere. For your submissions, please follow the MLA style. For further inquiries, please contact the journal’s managing editors: Elli Dehnavi and Lars Richter

For more information and previous issues of Multilingual Discourses, please visit the journal’s website.