Spend May and June in Germany with many other students from all parts of Canada and earn university credits, live in a German home, walk through the Brandenburg Gate, immerse yourself in the German language, find a German friend…
The Canadian Summer School in Germany (CSSG) offers Intermediate and Advanced German Language & Culture Courses.
In addition to second-, third-, and fourth-year immersion German language classes, we offer a CSL course as well as a new blended course on Teaching and Learning German for senior students interested in teaching careers, B.Ed. students, graduate student assistants, and in-service teachers.
The CSSG remains an outstanding program and we have been able to keep costs relatively low for the experience we offer: a one-year-equivalent course, accommodation and half-board in Germany for almost 7 weeks, excursions and a cultural program, und noch viel mehr!
Dates: May 3 – June 17, 2017
Cost: approximately $1,510 tuition & approx. $2400 – 2900 program fee (plus airfare)
For more information and for online registration, see posters and brochures below and visit our website www.cssg.ca and/or contact:
Dr. John L. Plews , Director, CSSG
Dept. of Modern Languages & Classics,
Saint Mary’s University,
923 Robie St., Halifax, NS
Tel.: 1-902-420-5813
Email: cssg@smu.ca
CSSG-Poster in English
CSSG-Poster in French
CSSG-Brochure in English
CSSG-Brochure in French
Letter to all German instructors in Canada