CfP: From Far and Wide: German Studies in Canada

Following the CAUTG annual meeting at Ryerson University, we are producing a conference volume representing our academic and strategic discussions regarding the past, present and future of German Studies, or “Germanistik.” We are requesting contributions exploring the historical and ongoing institutional and political challenges or featuring developments in transcultural and intermedial approaches.

“Translocality” is key for the Canadian context. From a European perspective, we are deemed “Auslandsgermanistik”, from a domestic perspective, we are scholars operating within foreign language and literature departments, which include linguistic, literary and cultural studies. In light of the two official national languages, English and French, and multicultural and multilingual setting including First Nations, intercultural approaches are prefigured in Canadian German Studies.

We are inviting two kinds of contributions:

1) Forum contributions (2-3 pages), based on, yet not limited to:

·       contributions to our roundtable discussions
·       the future of German Studies / Germanistik in Canada
·       the role of the CAUTG, especially with regard to website & outreach activities

2) Academic contributions (10-12 pages), based on, yet not limited to:

·       CAUTG 2017 conference presentations
·       external papers reflecting the larger conference theme
·       contributions in linguistic, literary and cultural studies

This special issue of the “Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik” will be edited by Nikola von Merveldt (Université de Montréal) and Andrea Speltz (University of Waterloo) in collaboration with Gaby Pailer (UBC Vancouver). Contributions may be in English, German, or French.

Please send a title and abstract (300 words) of your proposed contribution to Andrea Speltz and Nikola von Merveldt at by June 30, 2017; the final contributions will be due 1 November, 2017.

Call for Papers