The German Studies program in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Winnipeg…
The Queen’s Two Bodies: a UBC Global Seminar in Weimar, Germany Summer 2018
The Queen’s Two Bodies: a UBC Global Seminar in Weimar, Germany – Summer 2018: UBC’s Dr. Gaby Pailer, along with colleagues from the Università degli Studi di Bergamo and the Freie Universität Berlin, in collaboration with Klassik-Stiftung Weimar, invite you to join The Queen’s Two Bodies: German 515, a UBC Global Seminar offered in Weimar, Germany in Summer 2018. Application deadline: January 25, 2018.
“Wie froh bin ich, daß ich weg bin …” / “So glad to be away …”
(Goethe’s Young Werther)
Program Details
The Queen’s Two Bodies: Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I from Schiller to Jelinek
This Seminar takes its departure from E. Kantorowicz’s thesis of the “King’s Two Bodies” (1957), which recent research has questioned with regard to queens. In Schiller’s famous historical drama Maria Stuart (1801) the two bodies are distributed onto two queens, Mary Stuart (“body natural”) and Elizabeth I (“body politic”). Is this always the case in literary and cinematic renderings of the Mary Stuart / Elizabeth I complex? Seminar participants will have the unique opportunity to explore this research question by dealing with dramatic, narrative, and cinematic renderings by authors such as Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Stefan Zweig or Elfriede Jelinek. The seminar will take place in the “Festsaal” of the historic Goethe National Museum, from June 17-22, 2018.
This seminar is funded by “Klassik-Stiftung Weimar” and open to graduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts at UBC.
Graduate students from other Canadian institutions may be eligible under the Western Dean’s Agreement.
Advanced reading knowledge of German is required.
Find out more
Learn more and apply online at
Or contact Dr. Gaby Pailer, Professor of German Literature: