CfP: European Studies Undergraduate Conference, U of Guelph

Undergraduate student researchers are encouraged to submit paper proposals (of approx. 250 words) for a one-day conference held on Saturday, November 24, 2018, organized by the European Studies program at the University of Guelph. Papers are invited from a variety of disciplines dealing with any aspect of European culture, literature, art, music, film, sport, history, philosophy, anthropology, politics or business.

An adjudication committee will select the papers to be included in the conference. Students with accepted submissions will be contacted within a week after the submission deadline.

Deadline for Proposals: October 26, 2018

Please send your proposals to:

This one-day conference will give students an opportunity to present their research, with faculty members and graduate students serving as moderators. They will also have the possibility of working with graduate student mentors while preparing their papers. Students will have 15 minutes to present their work and a short discussion period will follow. The conference will be held at the University of Guelph (Ontario). All participants will receive a certificate of attendance and the best presentations will be awarded prizes.

Paola Mayer & Sandra Parmegiani
Associate Professors of European Studies

 Pdf here