DAAD’s German Studies Research Grant

The deadline for nominations to DAAD’s German Studies Research Grant is coming up on November 1st. This program provides a lump sum stipend of between $2,000 – $3,000 USD to students to offset living and travel costs while in Germany pursuing a research project. 

The German Studies Research Grant is intended to encourage research on, and promote the study of, cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs. Full details on the grant, including how to nominate a student, can be found online at: https://www.daad-canada.ca/en/find-funding/graduate-opportunities/research-grants/german-studies-research-grants/.

At the Bachelor level, this grant supports late-stage undergraduates (3rd/4th years) who are pursuing German Studies as a major or minor and wish to pursue a research project in Germany. The German Studies Research Grant is intended to provide promising undergraduate students in German Studies programs with a first research experience in Germany, and while students must submit a research plan for consideration, there is no expectation from DAAD that this be at a graduate student level (e.g. that the research questions be wholly original).

If you have an exceptional student in your program, in particular one with interest in pursuing graduate level studies, we would encourage you to familiarize yourself, and this student, with this grant.

Should you have questions about the German Studies Research Grant, please contact Stefanie Gruber-Sliva, the program officer overseeing this opportunity, by writing her directly at: grubersliva@daad.org. (www.daad-canada.ca)