The Canadian Year in Freiburg student exchange program is now accepting Canadian applications for the program in Germany starting in Fall 2019 (Program runs from Sep. 2019 to July 2020). Students must have had 2 years of German/A2 level before commencing the program. Higher levels can also be
accommodated. The program offers 5-6 required full semester courses and students take additional courses at the University of Freiburg in subjects of their choice and its “Sprachlehrinstitut” to achieve their full-
year credit load. No program fee is charged.
For 2019/20 the CYF is again offering an “Academic Recognition Award” (awards range from $1000 to $1,500) on a competition basis, for applicants to the program with an overall GPA of at least 85%. To apply, eligible students write a “letter of intent”, as well as a paragraph in German explaining why they want to take part in the program and what they expect to gain from their year abroad. (The Award application with instructions is on p.3 in the program application Word Doc.). Some additional competitive stipends are available through the Baden-Württemberg Scholarship.
Below is the link to the program page, with the program information and application form. Documents are also as PDF below. (Applications should be received by March 4, 2019.) Please check with your students to
ensure that the application is complete.
There is also a facebook page for the program, where students can communicate with previous CYF participants: .
Please let your students and colleagues know about this unique opportunity and encourage interested students to contact Christian Thomas,, beforehand with any questions, including their academic planning for the year abroad.