Job Ad: Three-year limited term position at the University of Calgary

The School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures invites applications for a three-year limited term position in German at the rank of Instructor. The anticipated start date is August 1, 2019. The area of specialization is the teaching of German language.

The successful candidate will teach seven undergraduate courses per year primarily in German language, but also in core courses in Linguistics, Literature, Culture, or Film, depending on the candidate’s strengths. As part of the position’s responsibilities, the Instructor will be expected to coordinate multi-section language courses and to organize extra-curricular events on campus and within the broader community with the goal of sustaining a vibrant German program. Service to the School, Faculty and University is also expected. 

The successful candidate must have advanced at least to ABD status in a PhD program in German Studies or a closely related field. Completion of the PhD is preferred. Demonstrated evidence of excellence in teaching at the post-secondary level as well as native or near-native competence in German and English are required. Teaching excellence can be demonstrated by presenting a record of relevant teaching experience and effectiveness at the post-secondary level, evidence of pedagogical innovation, experience in developing undergraduate curricula, and advising students. Experience in teaching at a North American university is preferred. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with colleagues in other School programs at the University of Calgary’s Language Research Centre (

The Division of Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures, German Studies, and Russian Studies is a research-intensive division in the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures with high standards in teaching, research, and community engagement. We value interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to research and training, and we strongly encourage collaboration. For more information about the School, please visit

Please submit applications online via the “Apply Now” link, and be aware that the application process allows for only four attachments. Your four application attachments should be organized to contain the following (which may require you to merge documents, such as publications):  

  • Letter of interest 
  • Curriculum vitae 
  • A statement of research interests 
  • Evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness 

    Applicants also should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference submitted directly to the selection committee at: 
    Dr. Mark Conliffe
    Director, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
    Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary 

    Questions regarding this opportunity should be forwarded by email to  All applications must be received by June 13, 2019, 2019 at which time the Academic Selection Committee will begin reviewing applications to select applicants to invite for on-site interviews.

    Review of applications will begin on June 13, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled.

    The School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, respects, appreciates and encourages diversity, and we encourage diverse applicants to apply for this position. A number of resources are available on campus to support diversity and inclusion on campus, including two daycares, the Q Centre, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Protected Disclosure, the Native Centre, and the Women’s Resource Centre. For more information, please visit