Publication: Hans Eichner, Wem kein Boden gesetzt, ed. by David G. John

David G. John has recently edited a collection of poems by Hans Eichner.

Hans Eichner. Wem kein Bogen gesetzt. Gedichte. Gesammelt, herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von David G. John. Wien: Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft. 2021. 116 Seiten.

The book is now being distributed internationally through the publisher (Wien: Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft) and many book dealers in Germany and Austria.

David G. John is a retired professor of German (since Sept. 2012) at the University of Waterloo,
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, Ontario, Canada. During his tenure there which
began in 1974, having received his PhD from the University of Toronto, he taught German
language and literature at undergraduate and graduate levels, supervised many MA and PhD
theses, chaired the Department of German and Slavic Studies for many years, served as
Associate Dean of Arts, and was a visiting professor at McGill University in Montreal and the
University of Mannheim, Germany with which Waterloo has an ongoing academic exchange. He
was active throughout in the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG),
serving as a board member and for one term as president. Throughout his career he was an active
scholar, authoring and editing alone or with others some nine books and forty-six scholarly
articles, largely on German eighteenth-century literary topics. He is the founding director of the
Centre for German Studies at the University of Waterloo. Upon his retirement he was granted the
title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus by the University of Waterloo, the Hermann
Boeschenstein Medal by German Studies Canada (formerly the CAUTG), and the Bundesverdienstkreuz by the Federal Republic of