Virtual Roundtables: Grant Writing and EDI (April 4) | Thriving German Studies Programs (April 17)

Incorporating Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Diverse Ways of Knowing in Grant Writing for German Studies Fields

Virtual Roundtable, Tuesday, April 4th, 12–1pm PST/3–4 EST

Zoom: Register here

Join German Studies Canada for a session in which participants outline some of the ways in which they approached the incorporation of principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and partnerships with Indigenous scholars and communities in grant writing, with a focus on Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connections Grants, Insight Grants, Insight Development Grants, and Partnership Grants. Short informal presentations will be followed by an open discussion with attendees.

Participants: Jennifer Evans (Carleton U), Markus Hallensleben (UBC), Charlotte Schallié (U Victoria), Carrie Smith (U Alberta)


Supporting Thriving German Studies Programs in Canada

Virtual Roundtable, Monday, April 17th, 9–10:30am PST/12–1:30pm EST

Zoom: Register here

Join German Studies Canada for a session in which participants outline some of the ways in which postsecondary German Studies programs in Canada can remain viable and thrive. Short informal presentations will be followed by an open discussion with attendees.

Participants: David Gramling (UBC), Christina Kraenzle (York U), John Plews (St Mary’s University), Christian Thomas (Acadia U), Helga Thorson (U Victoria)

Moderated by Markus Stock (U Toronto)