Registration fee: $750 includes: accommodations throughout Europe and Canada, intra-country travel within Europe, a one-way ticket from Winnipeg to Victoria, and all breakfasts in Europe.Additional costs: Tuition, return airfare (arriving to Budapest/leaving from Marseilles) (arriving to Winnipeg/leaving from Victoria (as necessary)), travel insurance
Application deadline: February 28, 2017
This international graduate summer school* is open to students from any university and will be of particular interest to those in the Humanities, European Studies, Memory Studies, Holocaust Studies, Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts and Music. Organizing/participating universities include: Aix-Marseille Université (France), Universität Osnabrück (Germany), and Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). Registered students will study and travel for three weeks in Hungary, Germany, France, and Canada engaging in intercultural discussions and musical performances at sites of traumatic memory.
At each location, students will reflect on how narratives (both written and musical) of the past inform the present context of migration and xenophobia, in particular the Syrian refugee crisis. Furthermore, students will examine how each of the four countries under study is responding through its own conception of multiculturalism and refugee settlement policies.
During the final week of the summer school, students will have the opportunity to present their research projects (written, oral and/or musical) at an interdisciplinary symposium at the University of Victoria. This symposium will bring together emerging and established scholars, students, musicians, composers, community leaders, and members of the public for an interdisciplinary and intercultural discussion on the role of memory and narratives of the past as a political tool and opportunity for cultural reconciliation. A particular objective of this symposium will be to use the Canadian experience with multiculturalism, and the recently published Truth and Reconciliation Commission report as a comparative touch point for understanding pan-European challenges in light of the current refugee crisis.
The summer school runs from July 16 – July 27 (Hungary, Germany, France), and from August 16th – August 26th (Winnipeg and Victoria, Canada). Participants are to arrive at each location the day before the course starts. Some readings will be required in advance of the site visits.
INSTRUCTOR: Charlotte Schallié (Germanic Studies) contact for more info
CONTRIBUTING FACULTY: Dániel Péter Biró (School of Music), Helga Hallgrimsdottir (Sociology), and Helga Thorson (Germanic Studies).
* upper-level undergraduate students may be considered, as space permits
For more infos, visit our European Studies Website: