German Studies Canada / Études Allemandes Canada (GSC/ÉAC) is the association for people teaching and researching German Studies within transdisciplinary contexts in Canada. Founded in 1961 (as Canadian Association of University Teachers of German / L’Association des Professeurs d’Allemand des Universités Canadiennes) by eighteen professors from twelve universities during the Learned Societies’ Conference, now Congress, at the Université de Montréal, GSC/ÉAC welcomes scholars and students of German Studies from across many fields. The association provides a venue for scholarship in German Studies at its annual conference and through its respected journal, Seminar. Membership and participation in GSC/ÉAC is not limited to people at Canadian institutions.

As a registered charity, the GSC’s objectives are to

  • promote Germanic Studies in Canada through teaching and research, primarily at the post-secondary level. Germanic Studies as the field of common professional interest is understood to include not only German, but also other Germanic languages besides English, as well as scholarship related to the literatures, cultures, and linguistics of these languages, past and present;
  • provide a forum for discussion for all matters relevant to the GSC and its members;
  • collaborate with other associations whose interests may be similar, in particular the Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada;
  • organize the association’s annual conference and host a listserv;
  • publish Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies;
  • recognize the best Canadian undergraduate and graduate theses in German, as well as Canada’s most distinguished scholars of German with the Hermann Boeschenstein Medal;
  • publicize and promote scholarships, as well as the exchange of students and scholars.

Today, the GSC’s Board of Directors and Appointed GSC Advisors are comprised of approximately twenty members from numerous Canadian institutions. The majority of GSC’s members are also working at Canadian post-secondary universities. Membership, however, is open to anyone from anywhere who is interested in furthering the objectives of the association. Donations are also welcome.

Please refer to the GSC’s Bylaws to learn more about the Association.