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Canadian Summer School in Germany 2018

The application process for the Canadian Summer School in Germany (CSSG) 2018 is now open. You and your students can access all the information needed here:
Or you can always simply search for us under our domain name:

Please make sure to announce the CSSG in all of your language and culture classes. You will find attached to this email posters in English, French, and Mandarin, which I encourage you to print and circulate among students. There is also a letter for all German instructors introducing the CSSG to them.

In 2018, we plan to offer up to seven courses in language acquisition, language education, and community service learning.

We will offer second-, third-, and fourth-year immersion German language classes. New next year is a second-semester first-year course with added intercultural study. This course is designed to help us all across Canada to retain students from the first semester who cannot continue with German in the second semester because of schedule conflicts.
In addition to our immersion CSL course based within the CSSG, we will offer a new intercultural CSL course in partnership with Freiwillig in Kassel. This course is will provide students with work placements across Kassel along with guided language development and critical reflection embedded in community service.
Finally, we are offering a blended course on Teaching and Learning German for grad student TAs, senior students interested in teaching careers, B.Ed. students, and in-service teachers.
The CSSG remains an outstanding program and we have been able to keep costs relatively low for the experience we offer: a one-year-equivalent course with all materials, full accommodation and half-board in Germany for almost 7 weeks, excursions and a cultural program, und noch viel mehr!
Please encourage your students to apply. Graduates of the CSSG bring much life and learning back into our programs in Canada and help to keep them vibrant places.
If you or your students have any questions, please contact me at <>.
Dr. John L. Plews
Director, Canadian Summer School in Germany
President, CAUTG, 2016-18
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