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CfA: Fellowships for Graduate Study in Germanic Literature, Culture, and Theory at the University of Toronto (31 Jan 2019)

The Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures at the University of Toronto is currently soliciting applications to our Graduate Program in Germanic Literature, Culture, and Theory. Research areas pursued by our faculty span the medieval era to the 21st-century, with several professors cross-appointed to such units as the Cinema Studies Institute, the Centre for Comparative Literature, the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, the Centre for Medieval Studies, and the Philosophy Department. It is also possible

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Holocaust Studies MA Stream at UVic

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Victoria is now accepting applications to our interdisciplinary MA stream in Holocaust Studies.

Interlinking scholarship with community-based field research—in effect drawing on the strengths of both academic research and experiential learning—our graduate stream provides individual learners with key competencies designed to prepare them for a career in education, public history, museum and/or archival work, human rights education, journalism, public advocacy, and law. Our program also provides students with a solid interdisciplinary foundation for further PhD studies in Holocaust Studies, Genocide Studies, or Human Rights and Equity Studies.

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Two Universities, One Degree, Multiple Opportunities: MA in Intercultural German Studies @ Waterloo

The Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies seeks excellent students to join the unique Joint MA program in Intercultural German Studies. The program is fully funded and includes one year of study at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and one year at the University of Mannheim, Germany. Students obtain a combined joint degree from the two universities.

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CfA: Canadian Year in Freiburg Student Exchange

The Canadian Year in Freiburg student exchange program is now accepting Canadian applications for the program in Germany starting in Fall 2019 (Program runs from Sep. 2019 to July 2020).  Students must have had 2 years of German/A2 level before commencing the program. Higher levels can also be
accommodated. The program offers 5-6 required full semester courses and students take additional courses at the University of Freiburg in subjects of their choice and its “Sprachlehrinstitut” to achieve their full-
year credit load. No program fee is charged.

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PAD: Foreign Language Assistant Exchanges to Germany 2019/20

In co-operation with the German Pedagogical Exchange Office (PAD), the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German is accepting applications for positions as English-language assistants in the Federal Republic of Germany. Further information and application forms are available from your university’s Department of German (or Department of Modern Languages) and below.

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Anschubstipendien des Doktoratsprogramms Literaturwissenschaft, Basel

Das Doktoratsprogramm Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Basel schreibt drei einjährige Anschubstipen­dien à CHF 30’000.– aus (Laufzeit: 01.04.2019–31.03.2020, in zwei Tranchen, mit Evaluati­on). Der Antritt des Stipendiums erfolgt zum 1. April 2019. Durch das Anschubstipendium soll ein Bei­trag an die Lebens­haltungskosten während der Ausarbeitungsphase eines literaturwissenschaftlichen Dissertationsproj­ektes ge­leistet werden. Erwünscht sind Dissertationsvorhaben an der Schnittstelle zu den Basis- und Profil­bereichen des Doktoratsprogramms Literaturwissenschaft. Wir bitten alle Bewerberinnen und Be­werber, vor einer all­fälligen Bewerbung Kontakt mit möglichen Betreuerinnen oder Betreuern aufzunehmen und entspre­chende Orientierungsgespräche zu führen.
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