Celebration of CAUTG Teaching and Research
Celebrate CAUTG Teaching and Research at the CAUTG at CONGRESS – Regina, May 25-28, 2018. All conference participants, your contribution is due: MAY 23, 2018. Please send
Celebrate CAUTG Teaching and Research at the CAUTG at CONGRESS – Regina, May 25-28, 2018. All conference participants, your contribution is due: MAY 23, 2018. Please send
The Waterloo Centre for German Studies promotes research into any and all aspects of the German-speaking world. As part of this mandate, the WCGS encourages the communication of research findings …
The Queen’s Two Bodies: a UBC Global Seminar in Weimar, Germany – Summer 2018: UBC’s Dr. Gaby Pailer, along with colleagues from the Università degli Studi di Bergamo and the Freie …
The Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo seeks excellent students to join the unique Joint MA program in Intercultural German Studies. The program is fully …
The Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, University of Victoria, invites applications for participation in the DAAD Fortbildungsseminar: Neue Ansätze und Konzepte im Deutschunterricht, held on November 3-5.
The Canadian Year in Freiburg Student Exchange Program is now accepting Canadian applications for the program in Germany starting in Fall 2017 (Program runs from Sep. 2017 to July 2018).
The Board of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG) invites applications from among its members for the position of Editor of Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is pleased to be presenting the Germanistische Begegnungstagung Kanada USA