Winner Named for the WCGS Book Prize 2017
The winner of the inaugural Waterloo Centre for German Studies Book Prize has been announced. Alice Weinreb of Loyola University is the winner for her book Modern Hungers: Food and Power …
The winner of the inaugural Waterloo Centre for German Studies Book Prize has been announced. Alice Weinreb of Loyola University is the winner for her book Modern Hungers: Food and Power …
The CAUTG is pleased to invite Nominations for the Hermann Boeschenstein Medal for Exceptional Contributions to German Studies in Canada. The medal is awarded occasionally, and not necessarily every year, at the discretion …
The Canadian Association for University Teachers of German (CAUTG) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the Innovate German Award 2019. We invite nominations and …
Call for Papers for Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences/CAUTG Annual Meeting, June 1 – 7, 2019, in Vancouver, British Columbia for a joint panel between the two associations: Canadian Association of …
This is the Call for Nominations for the CAUTG Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation in German Studies (for the period 2016 to 2018). Note the deadline: 17 February 2019. The CAUTG PhD Dissertation Prize is normally …
We are inviting proposals for a special panel at the 2019 Meeting of the Canadian Association of University of Teachers at the University of British Columbia. Our panel is dedicated …
University of British Columbia, Canada, May 31 – June 3, 2019 You are invited to submit proposals for papers to be given at the CAUTG annual meeting at the University …
Dear CAUTG colleagues and those who’ll newly join us at CONGRESS in Regina: Please find attached the final version of the program. All participants listed in the program need to …
Celebrate CAUTG Teaching and Research at the CAUTG at CONGRESS – Regina, May 25-28, 2018. All conference participants, your contribution is due: MAY 23, 2018. Please send
The Waterloo Centre for German Studies promotes research into any and all aspects of the German-speaking world. As part of this mandate, the WCGS encourages the communication of research findings …