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CfP: Graduate Student Conference at the University of Victoria

The Germanic and Slavic Studies Department at the University of Victoria is hosting its 2nd Annual Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies Graduate Conference this coming spring. The theme is Identities and Perspectives: Shaping the Self through Memory and Education. The conference will take place on March 20, 2018.

Cataclysmic global events and modern mass movement have jolted the populations of Europe and the rest of the world, forcing all individuals touched even remotely by their consequences to reckon with their impact on their fundamental selves. What methods do people use to process and express their personal ties to these collective experiences, how do they use them to engage with future generations, and what does it say about their cultures as a whole?

The University of Victoria’s Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies invites graduate students to an interdisciplinary discussion on culture, memory, education and identity, both within Central and Eastern Europe and beyond.

Though not limited to the following fields, we welcome submissions relating to:

Art and Music
Memory Studies
Holocaust Studies
European Studies

Presentations will be 20 minutes each, followed by a question and answer session.

Graduate students coming in from out of town will be billeted. Presenters will have the opportunity to submit their paper to the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies’ graduate journal, Verges, for publication in May 2018.

Please submit an abstract of 300 words to by January 22, 2018. All questions and concerns should be directed to that e-mail address as well.

André Flicker, Emmanuelle Guenette, Ethan Calof and Tessa Coutu

Graduate Conference Organizing Committee

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