Call for Papers
Annual Conference of German Studies Canada (formerly Canadian Association of University Teachers of German) May 28 – 30, 2023 York University, Toronto You are invited to submit proposals for papers to be …
Annual Conference of German Studies Canada (formerly Canadian Association of University Teachers of German) May 28 – 30, 2023 York University, Toronto You are invited to submit proposals for papers to be …
The discipline of Germanistik – and, to some degree, North American German Studies – has long presented German Literature as a unified field of study. But its canonical approach reflects …
Hello to all Graduate Students!I am reaching out to you as your CAUTG Graduate Student Representative to remind you about the upcoming deadline of May 7th for the “Graduate Student Research …
Please take note of and distribute the attached call for contributions to an essay contest for university students in Canada on the occasion of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s 100th birthday, organized by the …
Throughout the past decade, scholars in critical race, queer, disability, and animal studies such as Rosi Braidotti, Judith Butler, Mel Y. Chen, Eunjung Kim, Dana Luciano, Jasbir K. Puar, or …
You are invited to submit proposals for papers to be given at the virtual CAUTG annual meeting at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada (, hosted …
As you may remember, due to Covid-19 we had to cancel last year’s Undergraduate Research Conference in German Studies, but we look very much forward to celebrating the 10th anniversary …
We are looking for English-language manuscripts on museums and exhibitions as narrative media for our new book series. How do museums narrate time and history? Research in the humanities and …
Please note: Congress 2021 is going virtual! Please look here for further information and a revised CfP. You are invited to submit proposals for papers to be given at the …
We are currently inviting abstracts for contributions to a peer-reviewed edited collection that examines the socialist legacy in Eastern Europe in its relation to the present and the future. We …